• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'ni.kappa' | 3 Μαΐου 2024, 10:38

    Πλήρης στήριξη στα σχόλια/προτάσεις των Marathon Venture Capital Μόνο προς επίρρωση/υπερθεματισμό: Α. "Terms & Conditions: -- DIANA will not take nor assert any rights on intellectual property developed under and with support of the grant funding. -- Companies whose Challenge proposals are selected are offered funding in the form of grants and required to sign an Innovator Support Agreement (ISA) with DIANA as a condition for receipt of those awards. The ISA contains terms and conditions for provision of grant funding to admitted companies. -- Grant funding is provided for implementation and furtherance of objectives proposed by companies within their DIANA Challenge Programme proposals. Such objectives may include but are not limited to salaries, equipment or materials, use of test centre resources greater than that supported by DIANA funds, legal consultation and compliance, and implementation of tasks or guidance provided by DIANA, if any. Misuse of grant funding may result in termination of ISA and requirement to repay the grant funding in whole or in part." Αντίστοιχα: Β. https://eic.ec.europa.eu/eic-frequently-asked-questions_en#intellectual-property-provisions-for-eic-pathfinder-and-eic-transition-projects C. https://www.fr.com/uploads/3360-final-clean-11-6-23-the-role-of-ip-for-defense-contractors-webinar-deck.pdf/ D. Αντίστοιχες ρήτρες οι οποίες προστατεύουν τους Δημιουργούς/Εφευρέτες (sic) υπάρχουν διαχρονικά σε - Other Transaction Authority (OTA) Agreements - Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) - Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Τρέχοντα παραδείγματα προς συζήτηση/ενδεικτικό παραδειγματισμό (μόνο ως τροφή για σκέψη φυσικά): - https://www.diu.mil/work-with-us/open-solicitations - https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_184303.htm