Αρχική Νομοσχέδιο για τη ΒιοποικιλότηταΆρθρο 1 – ΣκοπόςΣχόλιο του χρήστη Οικονόμου Ανδρέας | 12 Ιουλίου 2010, 09:39
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Με στενοχωρεί το γεγονός ότι το κείμενο του νομοσχεδίου δεν έχει καθόλου επηρεαστεία από την Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, του 2002, http://www.cbd.int/gspc/ Το κείμενο αυτό έχει ποολά να πει για όλα τα άρθρα του νομοσχεδίου. How the issue is being addressed under the CBD? In 2002, the Conference of the Parties, by decision VI/9, adopted the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. The Strategy’s ultimate and long-term objective is to halt the current and continuing loss of plant diversity. The Strategy also considers issues of sustainable use and benefit-sharing, and aims to contribute to poverty alleviation and sustainable development. The Strategy includes 16 outcome-oriented global targets set for 2010, and provides a framework to facilitate harmony between existing initiatives aimed at plant conservation, to identify gaps where new initiatives are required, and to promote mobilization of the necessary resources. National and/or regional targets for plant conservation may be developed within this flexible framework. The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) is the first such strategy to be developed under the CBD, and provided a pilot exercise for the development and use of outcome targets under the Strategic Plan of the CBD. Plants were chosen as the focus of this exercise because scientific understanding of this group—though incomplete and best for the higher plants—is better than for most other kinds of life, allowing for the setting of meaningful targets. The development of the Strategy, and continuing work under the GSPC, has benefited from a number of consultations and submissions of views from Parties, and from supporting resolutions and related initiatives. Documents and notifications arising from these processes are available. In order to further advance implementation of the Strategy, the CBD has established a flexible coordination mechanism, including the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation. 10 September 2009, Publication of the Plant Conservation Report in all official languages of the United Nations.