• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'Glenn Marshall' | 17 Μαΐου 2011, 09:04

    Dear Honorable Mayor of Poros I visited your lovely island for the first time last summer 2010. my girlfriend, Mary Horner , has been visiting the island for 20 years . She's made wonderful friends with many of the island locals, including Pam Rogers , one of Poros' local artist; who she visited the island with for the first time those 20 years ago. Pam, was so taken by the island's beauty and the local hospitality that she has stayed and has created a wonderful career with her art . She has informed us of the fish farms and that it is being discussed that more be added. I am an avid flyfisherman here in the US and fishing is a great passion of mine. I was so gratefully invited by the owner of Askeli Taverna is go out in his boat and watch as they fished with their nets in your beautiful waters surrounding poros. He showed me the existing fish farms at that time and was somewhat worried about more being added. i have witnessed some "fish farms" in the states here and they must be controlled as not to over raise because of environmental damage to the waters. Over production can contaminate waters . The coastline of your wonderful island Poros is truly one of the most pristine I've seen. I'd hate to see it damaged by overproduction of a commercial aspect of any kind. I just wanted to draw to your attention our concern in this matter. We are sure you, as mayor of Poros , you will weigh all matters of this issue and come to the most practical and ethical end means of dealing with over production of fish farms. Production but not over production. Thank you so much for taking this time to read my concerns. I am so looking forward to my return trip to Poros and getting back together with all my new Greek friends. it is truly a special place ...........close to heaven. Sincerely, Glenn marshall