• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'T.P' | 3 Ιανουαρίου 2010, 19:48

    Please excuse my writing this in English. I am a retired person living in Greece with an IKA pension and paying greek taxes. Its now absolutely clear to me that the Minister of Economy has already decided to tie the gathering of receipts with the taxfree allowance no matter what is written here.I doubt if he even reads any of the comments posted(the non favourable ones of course). If he did then they he would not go ahead with this idea. It is completely ridiculous the idea of each citizen gathering 500+ receipts every year(bread everyday etc) and then submitting them online to justify his tax free allowance....how....by who and how is it checked? Desperate people may enter what they like and risk it. Private tax offices will be overloaded. There will be shouting and screaming in most of the state tax offices because people will insist on their receipts being taken and counted as in the opposite case its unconstitutional to force people to pay money for this service and especially those that can ill afford it. In the case that its finally seen that online entry is not possible imagine what will happen at the state tax offices. You would be forced withdraw the idea and the opposition will have fun. Even people with good incomes will not easily escape extra tax(or not be bothered to gather receipts). Most likely they will just prefer to pay the extra tax. How will this catch tax evasion? Many people have already stated the cases of freelancers with their 100 with or 60 without receipts scenaria. People will try to gather the 6000 or whatever by purchasing items from those that give receipts anyway. Unless special provisions are made you will break EU law..... <> i.e.EU receipts must be accepted for goods purchased via Internet or other means in other EU countries(what about their ΑΦΜ?) otherwise you are discriminating against these countries. How would you check these receipts? Furthermore I do believe that the opposition will be very happy about this measure as they feel confident that the government will fall flat on its face if not successful and this will help to achieve it. Thats why I assume there is not much opposition to it. Is that what you want? Let us not even think about what the EU or other countries will say when they learn about it or see the results..we will be ridiculed as not being able to think of any better solution to tax evasion. i.e. Punish people for not collecting receipts,obliging grandma to enter her receipts on the Internet,forcing the sick out of bed to spend their money to gather receipts maybe also the invalid next door or forcing greeks to return from abroad where they are working in order to get "greek" receipts. They are not all people with very low incomes. How will they be excluded? Think of the bureaucracy you will need 20% more tax inspectors then what about the rule 5 out 1 in? It seems to me that for most people it would simply have been better to freeze all salaries and pensions for at least one year even make a one time logical tax charge(EU would like this) and then during the year implement strict measures and laws concerning tax avoidance. In that way you will not incur the anger of the general populace. In order to get 1.5% increase we will probably end up with 3-4% down.....goodbye to pre-election speeches. I understand the financial problems that Greece is in but there are many other ways that have been suggested here. Well enough said so that you are well aware of the possible consequences.I could be wrong so I wish you success for whatever measure you choose but in my humble opinion this is not the way to go sir!!