• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'Gasparatos Dimitrios' | 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2009, 15:32

    Dear Sir, Concerning the inheritance tax, I have the following comments: I got married in 1977, and lived with my dad in the papagou house,mom had died, so we started the 3 of us living in the same house. Then my daughter was born in 1978,and unfortunately my dad died, and I had to pay an enormous inheritance tax,because Papagos is supposed to be high class residential area. this inheritance tax ruined my life, my family life, since I had to depart and got to Saudi Arabia, to work and find the money to pay the tax. AS you understand , we , the children, are raised in the house of our parents, and we think is ours, but then death suddenly makes change opinion,since we have to pay the Democracy. So I stayed in Saudi 6 years, far from the family, only visiting, and my wife divorced me, and I came back to raise my 2 children. Thanks to Allah Almighty,I had some money to help me out in the singles parent task, and everything looked ok, the New Democracy had deleted the inheritance tax, but suddenly you win the elections, and you bring back the inheritance tax again, and you raised the house prices, and I wonder now what should I do at my 65 years old,should I go to saudi , or Dubai,so I can pay again the taxes????? It is rediculous that a house in Athens area is so highly priced, many smart people have bought houses in Dubai, in US, for half prices, and the money has gone out of the Country. It is important that our greek kids keep staying in the Country,our Country needs them to survive, they need to stay at their parents houses, even after the death, so I think you should forget the inheritance tax, and tax us for what we have , one floor, not 4 floors that we should have, because we do not have them, and we like to keep the garden, cultivate, make green and supply oxygen for breath to the neighbors, and of course I do not want to pass the house to the kids while I am alive, and then they will kick me out next day. Also the prices should be according to the traffic in front, because we cannot sleep day and night due to traffic, all Holargos, Ag. Paraskevi, Loutsa, etc, pass from Argyrokastrou St, to avoid paying 3 euros toll at Attiki Odos, making our life miserable due to noise. Thanks a lot for your time, we wait a lot to see from your Government, concerning jobs,medical, green evolution, etc, so get to it starting January 2010. Regards, Dim. gasparatos