• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'Μιχαλης Ν. Μιτζικος' | 20 Ιανουαρίου 2011, 22:57

    Επιτρέψτε μου δύο παρατηρήσεις : 1. Παρατήρηση : Ελάχιστη αμοιβή > Σας παραθέτω αποσπασμα της Απόφασης Cipolla tης Ευρωπαικής Ενωσης ..... In Joined Cases C‑94/04 and C‑202/04, ........ 67 Although it is true that a scale imposing minimum fees cannot prevent members of the profession from offering services of mediocre quality, it is conceivable that such a scale does serve to prevent lawyers, in a context such as that of the Italian market which, as indicated in the decision making the reference, is characterised by an extremely large number of lawyers who are enrolled and practising, from being encouraged to compete against each other by possibly offering services at a discount, with the risk of deterioration in the quality of the services provided. 68 Account must also be taken of the specific features both of the market in question, as noted in the preceding paragraph, and the services in question and, in particular, of the fact that, in the field of lawyers’ services, there is usually an asymmetry of information between ‘client-consumers’ and lawyers. Lawyers display a high level of technical knowledge which consumers may not have and the latter therefore find it difficult to judge the quality of the services provided to them (see, in particular, the Report on Competition in Professional Services in Communication from the Commission of 9 February 2004 (COM(2004)83 final, p. 10)). .... On those grounds, the Court (Grand Chamber) hereby rules: 1. Articles 10 EC , 81 EC and 82 EC do not preclude a Member State from adopting a legislative measure which approves, on the basis of a draft produced by a professional body of lawyers such as the Consiglio nazionale forense (National Lawyers’ Council), a scale fixing a minimum fee for members of the legal profession from which there can generally be no derogation in respect of either services reserved to those members or those, such as out-of-court services, which may also be provided by any other economic operator not subject to that scale. 2. Legislation containing an absolute prohibition of derogation, by agreement, from the minimum fees set by a scale of lawyers’ fees, such as that at issue in the main proceedings, for services which are (a) court services and (b) reserved to lawyers constitutes a restriction on freedom to provide services laid down in Article 49 EC. It is for the national court to determine whether such legislation, in the light of the detailed rules for its application, actually serves the objectives of protection of consumers and the proper administration of justice which might justify it and whether the restrictions it imposes do not appear disproportionate having regard to those objectives. Αρα το ευρωπαικό κεκτημένο δέχεται τις ελάχιστες αμοιβες των δικηγόρων - μεταξύ άλλων -ως ασφαλιστική δικλείδα για τη σωστή απονομή της Δικαιοσύνης. Ο Υπουργός Οικονομικών δεν έχει τη γνώση ούτε την ευαισθησία να αντιμετωπίσει σωστά τα τρέχοντα προβλήματα της Ελληνικής Δικαιοσυνης. Ο ίδιος Υπουργός Δικαιοσύνης όμως ; 2. Παρατήρηση : Αν διαβασα καλά το προσχέδιο, για τα Καταστατικά των λεγομένων Δικηγορικών Εταιριών δεν θα είναι υποχρεωτικό να τηρούν την δικηγορική δεοντολογία. Ανήκουστο , μη σύννομο και απαράδεκτο για το δικηγορικό λειτούργημα.