• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'Spyros Mitsopoulos' | 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2009, 05:50

    You need to lower the stamp duty on property transfers. Property is a commodity like everything else. Every time it is bought and sold money will be circulated in the economy; the government will make money, the real estate agent will make money, the builders, the removalists, the painters, the solicitors, the banks which extend mortgage loans, the surveyors, engineers and so on. You need to break the old shackles of identifying property owners as wealthy and selfish. Housing needs to become affordable to everyone. And like anything else the more it is sold and repaired the more money that will change hands. You have a severe lack of competition that needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency. On another subject: you must give out more permits for buildings to be developed particularly in the smaller towns. The planning laws are too restricitive. Particularly in the size of dwellings. They are too small in size.