• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'Greco' | 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2009, 12:58

    This is a backward looking approach that is easy to get around and possibly allow people to make some money in the process. To understand what I am talking about, ask any of the wizz kids how easy it is to set up an online receipts exhange, where "subscribers" can sell/buy any surplus receipts they have from various traders for a small fee. Overall, there is money to be made from all parties involved (including the people of the receipts exchange) except the taxman. An alternative short term strategy, that is based on the same principle as receipts collection, is to actively reward public who report traders, professionals, etc that do not issue receipts by default. Depending on the rewards to the general public and the penalties imposed to tax evaders, this approach is likely to be more cost effective and most likely will have better returns. Moreover, it will be a pill easier to swallow as it will not affect the general tax free allowance and the problems associated with this approach (public dissatisfaction and worry about the kinds of receipts should be used to contribute to the tax free allowance, implementaion issues related to what receipts should be collected and how, possibly price differentials, identifications of professions that need to be targeted etc). Furthermore, tax evaders will have to think twice before they decie not to issue a receipt because they will not know if/when they will be reported and successfully convicted for doing so. A medium to long strategy that will not depend on "ρουφιανιά" is to actively encourage electronic means of payment (e.g. electronic banking, debit cards, etc) and support moves to a cashless society (e.g. contactless smartcards, mobile phones, etc). Two of the benefits such transactions have are that they leave easy to follow audit trails and do not result in rediculous and backward looking solutions. Moreover, the cost of such an approach can be easily borne by the banks as they will be making big savings in the process and and they will modernising banking system.