• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'Emanuel' | 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2009, 23:58

    Athens, December 30/2009 TO THE HONOURABLE MINISTER OF FINANCE, Mr. G.PAPACONSTANTINOU Dear Sir: My name is Emanuel, I am a Greek citizen and I reside in Athens.. With regards to the collection, record-keeping and submission of the consumer's shopping receipt records, may I propose a faster, more efficient, cost-effective and less burdensome method? THE USE OF AN ELECTRONIC ID TRANSACTON CARD. Every consumer shall have a personalized card and shall hand it on to the cashier when paying for a purchase or a service. Every electronic transaction carried out in this manner shall automatically verify: 1)THE INDIVIDUAL CONSUMER'S ΑΦΜ, 2)THE AMOUNT HE/SHE WILL BE PAYING FOR A GOOD OR A SERVICE, and 3)THE STORE OR THE SERVICE PROVIDER THAT WILL CHARGE HIM A FEE FOR THAT SERVICE(STORE or SERVICE'S ΑΦΜ)... Every financial transaction conducted in this manner shall, instantly and automatically, register at the Central Revenue Department, where, a file for an individual card holder shall reveal his/her total year-to-date shopping transactions.. That means that all cashiers or services in the country have to be equipped with an ID card reader slot of this sort that shall be connected to a Ministry of Revenue terminal.. This shall eliminate a lot of paperwork for the individual consumer as well as for the Tax Department and its employees. The use of this card shall resemble very much to that of a routine credit card and may be made to carry the photo of the individual, his/her AMKA etc.. May I point out, Mr. Minister, that writing on a piece of paper yearly financial transactions is a tiresome task and not a practical one for that matter.. Thank you for your time to read my proposal.. I remain, E.M