Αρχική Κύρωση των Συμβάσεων Παραχώρησης που συνήφθησαν μεταξύ του Ελληνικού Δημοσίου και των Οργανισμών Λιμένων Α.Ε. και άλλες διατάξειςΆρθρο 15 – Τροποποιήσεις του π.δ. 31/2018Σχόλιο του χρήστη Andy Anastasios Pappas | 14 Νοεμβρίου 2018, 10:50
Υπουργείο Ναυτιλίας και Νησιωτικής Πολιτικής Ταχ. Δ/νση Ακτή Βασιλειάδη, Πύλη Ε 1 - Ε 2, Τ.Κ. 185 10 τηλ: 213 1371700 - 213 1374700, φαξ: 210 4191561- 210 4191562 Επικοινωνία με το υπουργείο Δικτυακός Τόπος Διαβουλεύσεων OpenGov.gr Ανοικτή Διακυβέρνηση |
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It is a sad day when you realise that 18 years have passed since that inaugural trip to Manly Beach,Sydney Australia for the Rescue 2000 competition ,where the first ever Greek Lifesaving Team took pride and place amongst all the other nations of the world. Sad because back then we had to ask permission from the Red Cross of Greece, to allow us to compete and still after all these years we still dont have a independant Greek Lifesaving Association!! Shame!! We in Australia have become so used to the fact that if the beach is patrolled by our vounteer Australian Lifesavers, we know that its safe to swim and these heroes are there to help us if need be. Hopefully the government of Greece can come up to the times, we are in the year 2018 for God's sake! They have Taxis-net, but we are still in the dark ages when it comes to regular Greek lifesavers partrolling the lovely world acclaimed Greek beaches. I recommend to the Ministry and the Directorate of Port Police to make a substantial revision of the Decree Law 31/2018 that seems to have huge gaps and mistakes in the teaching and lifeguarding requirements of beach lifeguarding. Andy Anastasios Pappas Life Member Australian Physiotherapy Association Bronze Medallion Surf Lifesaving, Pambula S.L.S.C andy_physio@yahoo.com.au