Αρχική Επιθεωρητές/ελεγκτές πλοίων, λιμένων, Αναγνωρισμένων Οργανισμών – Ρύθμιση θεμάτων αρμοδιότητας Υπουργείου Ναυτιλίας και Νησιωτικής Πολιτικής και άλλες διατάξειςΆρθρο 52 – Τέλος Πλοίων Αναψυχής και ΗμερόπλοιωνΣχόλιο του χρήστη Christopher Robb | 27 Μαΐου 2016, 11:51
Dear sirs, I represent the members of the Cruising Association of Great Britain. When the TPP came out, we corresponded with the authorities under the previous government. Our aim was to help make the tax easy for our members (and all yachtsmen to pay and as such had many discussions on our ideas, indeed the whole of the changes to the Port Police duties came about as a result of our active cooperation with your government. You should note that I think we were the only National Organisation who did not complain, as we feel you have a right to the income you justly deserve for your beautiful coast line. Could we please have some information on the method of payment that you propose, especially the electronic method, which I presume will be in English also? The Cruising association could be of great assistance to you in creating a workable (and acceptable) collection process. Last time we identified a number of implementation issues which if solved would make the tax more acceptable to Yachtsmen.