• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'Roula' | 6 Απριλίου 2011, 08:31

    I think this all sounds very good im a bit concerned as there has been a new directive out since last year and there is still things to do with this ie the guy in Kos who shot the dog down the well, the dogs shot in Zante, that seemed to hve not been looked into to! I am hoping that all reports of abuse are looked into that athe municipl shelters will be looked into better being the three that are awful, ie Drama shelter, if people witness buse they must speak out and must be made sure that this is a crime this has been going on for so long people do it daily, meetings, advertise, on tv radio, saying about the new proposals, hunters and permits for guns should be looked into, all animals especially thr hunters animals be chipped, pet shops should be looked into, one thing that does worry me is the poisonings which is illegal how will this be stopped these poisons have to be banned anyone including organisations should not hand these out this is a big problem and a very awful death not only to strys but to pets to! Also the strays in public places where will you put the animals. Animal horders should be looked into to i myself really hope this will all take place and wrk its about time!