• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'Valerie Peach' | 7 Απριλίου 2011, 15:47

    Exhibitions must be exactly this – not sales platforms unless the requirements of the law are met, namely sterilisation and microchip proof and certificated PRE SALE. For young animals STERILISATION requirements become obligatory in law on the new owner – this requires certification to be provided within a specified time. Exhibitions of the fur trade to be banned. It is totally hypocritical to attempt to legislate against cruelty and abuse of animals in Greece whilst excluding from this the many, many thousands of animals which suffer for profit. Horrendous cramped confinement, poor facilities and horrific death through cultivated false desires to follow totally unnecessary fashion trends which propagate the continuing suffering of animals - is wrong. WORSE - FOR THE GOVERNMENT TO use the peoples taxes to SUBSIDISE THIS DISGUSTING TRADE whilst at the same time totally dismissing any financial aid for animal management and control of the overpopulation of of domestic animals is deplorable.