Αρχική Δεσποζόμενα και αδέσποτα ζώα συντροφιάςΆρθρο 20 Ποινικές κυρώσειςΣχόλιο του χρήστη Valerie Peach | 7 Απριλίου 2011, 16:49
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3) I cannot accept differing levels of sentences and fines for pet animal theft than that for hunting dog theft. If it is deemed that hunting dogs need a greater fine and sentence for this crime then raise that of the pet category to the same level. In your original definitions hunting dogs are classified as pets why is there and why should there be a difference for this section? Hunting dogs and their owners do not suffer more as a result of theft than any other animal or its owner. Unlawful theft and the repercussions on animals and distress caused to owners is identical. Increase the sentence and fine section 3 to the higher level and omit these senseless differentials.