Αρχική Δεσποζόμενα και αδέσποτα ζώα συντροφιάςΆρθρο 9 Περισυλλογή και διαχείριση αδέσποτων ζώων συντροφιάςΣχόλιο του χρήστη Lorraine Benson | 11 Απριλίου 2011, 23:03
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Should not Municipalities now work with the Animal Welfare groups and not the groups try to receive help from the Municipality,how many receive funding for the Stray animal situation each year from central Government and yet never have the funds available to assist the groups working in their area? Why are we as animal welfare organisations never offered support to create shelters where we can sterilise,microchip and care for these strays? How can a puppy of four months be put back into its "natural environment" when that puppy was found dumped in a bin,by the roadside,or in a shelter?4 months is far too young to be placed back on the streets and the statement regarding the areas they are not allowed to be returned to ie areas with hospitals,schools,sports centers,airports and areas of high tourist traffic is ridiculous,who is going to stop a stray from wandering into these areas anyhow?. Schools for one are ideal places for educational reasons and as for tourists!when Greece becomes more animal friendly and realises the tourists accept animals,love the animals when they are being taken care of not neglected,abandoned and abused, then Greece will see an increase in tourism for certain!