• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'Tina Amalie Christoffersen' | 14 Απριλίου 2011, 13:26

    When some of the vets in Rhodes, asked the Municipality to be allowed to build a crematorie, both to use for strays but also owned pets, the answer was NO. So, as the situation is now, we got 2 choices. 1. Try secretly to dig a hole. 2. But them in a dumpster. Both things are illegally, but what choice do we have? A proper crematorie should be build, ALSO where, if you want, you can take the ashes of your pet with you. This is possible in other civilized countries, and should be so also in Greece. And ofcourse, for owned pets, not a free "service". Which should make the government interested, since they can earn money on it or? Strays vs. dumpsters: I cant help but to laugh a bit, because I often see people here flipping if they see you put a bit of food for a cat, next to a dumpster, screaming that the animals are throwing the bags outside! Now, Ive lost count how many times ive seen people here throw bags NEXT to a dumpster, not because it was full, but plain and simple because they were to lazy to open it! And where else should they look for food? The number of times ive seen a cat in a dumpster throwing bags outside, is close to 0. It more seems like that animals ones again are blamed for the mistake of humans.