Αρχική Δεσποζόμενα και αδέσποτα ζώα συντροφιάςΆρθρο 9 Περισυλλογή και διαχείριση αδέσποτων ζώων συντροφιάςΣχόλιο του χρήστη R Dennill | 15 Απριλίου 2011, 13:04
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I am dismayed that there is so little support here for the FREE, donated services of qualified, registered vets from the European Union to sterilise community animals ("stray" CATS and DOGS). It seems that requirements for facilities, mobile clinics, 3 month notice periods etc are intended to prevent or hamper rather than facilitate their work. THERE IS NO SHAME IN A CIVILIZED AND HUMANE SOCIETY ACCEPTING SUCH SERVICES UNTI IT CAN PROVIDE ITS OWN AND/OR GAIN CONTROL OF ITS COMMUNITY ANIMAL POPULATION. On the contrary. IT IS SHAMEFUL to obstruct by every means possible such generous help, while professing to be concerned about the welfare of these animals. It seems that the aim here is to make it as difficult as legally possible for these vets to work here, short of YET AGAIN breaching European Law by denying them this right. Some of the veterinary facilities I have seen here have been so basic and unhygienic that ANY clean room in any building, with a table and lamp, seemed preferable for surgical procedures like spaying/neutering. If municipal facilities are not available, many other places might still be suitably prepared and used.