Αρχική Δεσποζόμενα και αδέσποτα ζώα συντροφιάςΆρθρο 6 Εκτροφή, αναπαραγωγή και εμπορία ζώων συντροφιάςΣχόλιο του χρήστη Αθανασια | 3 Απριλίου 2011, 20:46
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Ονομαζομαι Αθανασια Δ... και ειμαι τελειόφοιτος Ζωικης Παραγωγης. Θεωρω πως η απαγόρευση του κοψιματος ουρας και αυτιων ειναι απλα λάθος... για τους εξης παρακατω λογους: 1. απο την εμπειρια που εχω στη ζωικη παραγωγη τετοιου ειδους παρεμβασεις στα ζωα γινονται για την προστασια του ιδιου του ζωου και για συγκεκριμενους σκοπους που ειναι ΑΠΑΡΑΙΤΗΤΟΙ,ΒΑΣΙΚΟΙ και ΟΥΣΕΙΩΔΕΙΣ. πχ. στους χοιρους λιγες μερες μετα την γεννηση τους,εχουμε κοπη ουρας και κοπη κυνοδοντων. Αυτο γινεται γιατι υπαρχουν ΠΟΛΛΟΙ ΤΡΑΥΜΑΤΙΣΜΟΙ! Με αποτελεσμα τα ζωα να υποφερουν και οχι μονο. Με τον ιδιο απλο τροπο καποιες ρατσες σκυλων που εχουν λεπτες,μακριες και ευαισθητες ουρες αντιμετωπιζουν σοβαρα προβληματα υγειας εξαιτιας τραυματισμων. Με συνεπεια την κοπη της ουρας σε μεγαλυτερη ηλικια και με ΠΟΛΥ πιο ασχημες επιπτωσεις για τον σκυλο απο οτι αν γινοταν με λαστιχακι οταν ηταν νεογεννητο! Δεν ειναι τυχαιο οτι στις χωρες που πρωτοαπαγορευτηκε η κοπη συζηταν να ΕΠΙΤΡΑΠΕΙ παλι! και εδω θα αναφερω προσφατες ερευνες που εχουν γινει απο κτηνιατρους... UK Tail Damage Report & campaigning against the ban on docking Dogs with docked tails are significantly less likely to sustain tail injuries, finds research published in this week’s UK Veterinary Record. Among the 138,212 dogs seen by vets at the 52 UK practices during the study period, 281 were treated for a tail injury. The owners of 224 of these injured dogs, as well as a random sample of 799 owners whose dogs had not been treated for tail injury were sent a questionnaire on dog tail injuries and docking. Only 97 of the owners whose dogs needed treatment and 227 of those whose dogs had not been injured replied. But their responses indicated that around one in three tail injuries (36%; 35 cases) had occurred at home as a result of the dog knocking its tail against a wall, kennel wall or other household object. A further 17.5% (17 cases) were sustained outdoors, while 14.4% (14 cases) were caused by the tail being caught in a door. In 15 (15.5%) other causes were cited; and in 16 (16.5%), the cause was unknown. Almost half of the injuries (44%) were recurrent. Over half the cases were treated with drugs and dressings, but in almost one in three cases, amputation was required. Eleven dogs did not need any treatment. Certain breeds seemed to be more at risk, with springer and cocker spaniels almost six times as likely to sustain a tail injury as labradors and retrievers. Greyhounds, lurchers, and whippets were almost seven times as likely to do so, possibly because of the lack of protective hair on their tails, say the authors. Dogs with a wide angle of wag were also almost four times as likely to be injured in this way, while dogs kept in kennels were more than 3.5 times as likely to sustain a tail injury. Only 35 owners said their dogs had had their tail docked, and on the basis of their overall findings, the authors calculated that tail docking would reduce the risk of injury by 12%. PLEASE REMEMBER that the 281 dogs with damaged tails were from just 52 veterinary practices. According to the RCVS there are 3000 verified vet practices in the UK. If these 52 were representative of them all, then circa 16,000 dogs would have suffered tail injuries in the UK for that 12 month period and circa 5,000 would have undergone adult tail amputation! Even if it were 50% of this figure, this is nothing short of a scandal, resulting from an Act of Parliament that was designed to protect the welfare of animals. The full official study in pdf format can be viewed at http://www.cdb.org/News/news38.html The Council of Docked Breeds has restarted its campaign to overturn the ban in the UK based on these shocking results. Η Αγγλια ειναι ενα δειγμα ακολουθουν και αλλες χωρες οπως Αυστραλια κλπ. 2. Θεωρω πως ειναι κριμα με την κριση που περναει η Ελλαδα να αναγκαστουν οι Ελληνες εκτοφεις να αρχισουν να δηλωνουν τα εκτροφεια τους σε αλλες χωρες,επειδη οι πωλησεις θα πεσουν κατακορυφα. Ενδεικτικα θα παραθεσω ενα πινακα ερευνας που εγινε στην Αυστραλια πριν και μετα την απαγορευση http://www.cdb.org/News/news35.htm Ευχαριστω πολυ Αθανασια