Αρχική Πολιτική συμμετοχή ομογενών και αλλοδαπών υπηκόων τρίτων χωρών που διαμένουν νόμιμα και μακροχρόνια στην ΕλλάδαΆρθρο 1Σχόλιο του χρήστη efthemios | 3 Ιανουαρίου 2010, 04:45
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unbelievable all i can say. hennry kissingers words are coming true, indeed in greece. greece is going to be destroyed internaly by traitor politicians that work in secret to destroy greece in stages. every greek understands this law will destroy the greek nation. the traitor greek politicians don't understand the power of the greek nation, if you push the greek to far he will rise up and fight. i see in the future greek traitor politicians being hanged like mussolini. maybe you are doing the greek people a favour, maybe that is what greece needs, a revolution by greeks together to end this treason.