• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'hope' | 16 Μαΐου 2021, 22:16

    YES PLEASE do neuter or spay dogs and cats so they do not keep reproducing which then brings kittens and puppies into your area! which then are thrown in the garbage or left to die in the mountains! IS THIS the GREEK COMPASSION for animals!?? shelters just in crete measure so many already! animals that are on the streets, dying of thirst and hunger, people who kick them, abuse them, shoot them with guns, hang them, run them over with their cars and leave them to die!! because irresponsible owners do not want them anymore! To tie them up in short chains to live their lives out in terror, hunger and to cripple their bodies with no freedom to roam! and to have dirty water with maggots for their food! i am SO ASHAMED for these reasons for my greek heritage! here in canada we love our pets, we keep them safe, we feed them well, we take them on walks, we spoil them with love and hugs and kisses! And we neuter them and spay them for their own good health too. perhaps people on crete ( not all but a lot of them ) need some education to learn how to treat an animal. THEY HAVE FEELINGS, they feel pain, neglect, hunger, some are more human than some of you cruel individuals who do this and you know who you are! change your attitude, be kinder, gentler and more generous, because some of these animals have MORE HUMANITY THAN YOUR COLD HEARTS! i hope the gov't starts to punish those that hurt animals for indeed it is a criminal act in my books! again i say shame! smarten up, change your ways to more sympathy and compassion!