• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'Phil Butler' | 19 Μαΐου 2021, 22:55

    Once again, please consider. There is no science on this world we live in that says mandatory sterlization of pets has any positive effect on stray populations. Even discounting the constitutionality of the issue in Greek law, only as handful of municipalities in the world have even instituted sucb Draconinan measure. In my country, the AKC is adamantly against such laws. Here is a stateemtn from the American Kennel Club on the matter: "The American Kennel Club® opposes laws that mandate the spaying/neutering of dogs. Spaying/Neutering are major surgeries and the decision to spay or neuter a dog should be made by the dog’s owner in conjunction with their veterinarian." The ASPCA has adopted the follwing policy, which basically says voluntary spay and neutering is the only path to effective control on unwanted stray populations. Here is there statement: "The ASPCA does not support laws that mandate spay/neuter of all owned animals within a community; however, based on currently available scientific information, the ASPCA strongly supports spay/neuter as an effective means to reduce shelter intake. In particular, the ASPCA supports voluntary, affordable, accessible spay/neuter programs for owned pets, Trap-NeuterReturn (TNR) programs for feral cats and the mandatory sterilization of shelter animals and dogs and cats prior to sale by pet stores1." The International Association of Canine Professionals holds the following position: "The International Association of Canine Professionals strongly opposes legislation which mandates the sterilization of dogs. It is our conviction that the decisions involved regarding the breeding of dogs should be left in the hands of owners, and should not be regulated by government entities." I am not sure what literature, if any, the proponents of this aspect of the law are relying on in their decisionmaking process. I do know that the Greek veteranarians are protesting this aspect of the law. The Kennel Club of Greece is. The hunters associations. The rare breed enthusiasts. And every pet owner and storekeeper I speak with about this in Heraklion holds the same opinion. This is not the government's domain. I could go on for hours here. The evidence against this aspect of this new law is overwhelming, incontrovertable, FACT versus a strange ficiton being perpetuated by interest groups, and apparently, by the interior ministry and the government at large. This leads me to wonder at the motivations, and the legitimacy of those pushing this agenda. Phil Butler, Author, Journalist, Analyst, Hundband, Father, and proud companion of a wonderful Kritikos Lagonikos.