• Σχόλιο του χρήστη 'SAVE Foundation' | 20 Μαΐου 2021, 14:38

    SAVE Statement to the new Greek regulation for dog keeping and breeding SAVE Foundation acts to halt the loss of agrobiodiversity throughout Europe. Together with 25 partner organisations in 16 European countries we safeguard and protect traditional livestock breeds and cultivated crops in-situ and on-farm. Amalthia, the Greek Organisation for the conservation of locally adapted breeds made us aware of the new Greek draft law for the regulation of dog ownership and breeding. We would like to comment on this as follows: Pastoralism and the free ranging of herds play an important role in the Greek agriculture. Besides the livelihoods of many small farmers and shepherds it is an important landscape management system and cultural heritage since the antiquity. Pastoralism is not possible without shepherd dogs, which are bred and trained by the farmers. They have the knowledge and techniques for breeding and educating the shepherd working dogs. Additionally special educated dogs prevent the farms in rural areas from predators like wolfs or bears. If the farmers are no longer allowed to breed and educate their own traditional dog breeds, they would lose an important backbone of pastoralism and rural life and with that their rural livelihood. We very well understand the big problem of feral dogs in cities and tourism areas. There breeding and keeping needs to be better regulated. However, the envisaged regulations should not affect the keeping and breeding of dogs in agriculture, grazing and pastoralism. Farmers and shepherds would lose an important basis for their traditional work with a breeding and keeping ban. Additionally the genetic resources of the rural dog breeds, which are worth protecting and have been around for millennia, would be lost. We kindly ask you to take these arguments into account in the new regulation.